Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep online toolkit available

The Niagara County Child Fatality Review Team is enlisting the support of the community to prevent infant deaths in unsafe sleep conditions.

An NOW I LAY ME DOWN TO SLEEP Toolkit provides factual information, talking points, videos and brochures to support safe sleep education and advocacy.

The toolkit also includes tips that anyone can use to be a safe sleep advocate. Will you become a safe sleep educator and advocate? Please join this campaign. Talk about the importance of safe sleep with people you know and members of your family. Write a letter to the editor promoting safe sleep. Help make safe sleep a priority for every baby.

  • Help a tired parent
  • Don’t ignore a baby sleeping in unsafe conditions. Offer to help a tired parent. Watch the baby during the day so they can gain some additional sleep. If you see a parent asleep or falling asleep in bed, on a coach or in chair, offer to put the baby to bed for the parent.
  • Invite a speaker to your organization. Programs are provided free of charge.
  • Are you a parent with an infant? Or a grandparent, babysitter, family member or friend of someone with an infant? Make sure you know safe sleep practices.
  • Are you invited to a baby shower? Skip the crib bumpers, pillows and accessories that are a risk to a sleeping baby. Choose a portable crib or playard, a bassinet, fitted sheets or one-piece sleeper instead.
  • Do you use social media? We have all seen the cute photos of babies sleeping in unsafe circumstances…on their stomachs, covered in blankets, surrounded by toys. The babies are adorable, but the practices can be deadly. Don’t encourage them. Post an adorable baby in a safe sleep setting instead.
  • Do you know a new parent or caregiver who doesn’t have a safe place for their baby to sleep? The Niagara County Cribs for Kids program can help. Contact the P3 Center for Teens, Moms and Kids at (716) 278-4423 for more information.


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