What parents need to know
Child abuse happens in all neighborhoods and every community. It happens to children in wealthy communities and to children in poverty. Child abuse crosses all ethnic and religious lines.
Parents are not powerless. You can help protect your children and the children around you.
- Know the signs of abuse.
- Report abuse if you see it happen or have good reason to suspect it is occurring.
- Be a concerned neighbor. Reach out to children and families where you live.
What can I do as a parent?
- Be the best parent you can be. Manage the stress in your own life. Spend time enjoying your children. Ask for help when you need it.
- Be a good neighbor. Get to know the children and families in your community. If you see a parent struggling, offer to help. Cook a meal. Offer to babysit. Provide support.
- Be informed. Learn more about child abuse and what you can do to help. Invite a member of the Child Advocacy Center to speak to your club, church, or other organization. For information call (716) 285-0045.